Transwomen Turn Entrepreneurs Following Training by NGO

Transwomen Turn Entrepreneurs Following Training by NGO

For 21-year-old Sanamahaji Shivanagi from Bagalkot, begging and sex work used to be the only means of making a living. However, after attending the Market Oriented Value Enhancement (MOVE) training conducted by Best Practices Foundation (BPF), Sanamahaji has transformed her life. She is now running a vegetable shop in Bengaluru and has left behind her previous means of survival.

The MOVE training provided by BPF has been instrumental in turning more than 50 members of the gender and sexual minorities community into entrepreneurs. The training equipped them with the necessary skills and support systems to start their own businesses. As a result, they have experienced significant improvements in their standard of living and financial status.

Sangeetha Purushothaman, the Executive Director of BPF, stated that the NGO carried out a livelihood intervention for two vulnerable and stigmatized populations: the transgender (TG) community and sex workers. The intervention has not only helped the members of these communities become entrepreneurs but has also brought attention to the economic situation and prospects of gender and sexual minority communities in Karnataka.

A study conducted by BPF across 17 districts in Karnataka revealed gross inequalities in the economic conditions and overall well-being of these communities. The study measured the capital possessed by the community and highlighted the need for interventions to address the existing disparities.

Recently, a three-day Grassroots Academy: GYAN was held in Bengaluru, where participants from various states and countries shared their best practices on livelihoods. The event provided a platform for learning and networking among grassroots entrepreneurs.

In addition, Sangama, an organization working for the rights of gender and sexual minorities, is organizing a Rainbow Habba event in Bengaluru to celebrate gender and sexual diversity. The event will further raise awareness and promote inclusivity in society.

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