Futurama, the beloved animated series, is returning after a decade with its highly anticipated Season 11. The new season will premiere on July 24, bringing back the original voice cast, much to fans’ delight. The revival of the show has generated a lot of excitement, and a new trailer has been released by the streaming service. Fans can expect the same humor, wit, and imaginative storytelling that made Futurama a fan-favorite. The upcoming season consists of 10 episodes, each with its own unique story and adventure. The names of the episodes have also been revealed, giving fans a glimpse of what to expect. The producers of the show have ensured that the essence of Futurama remains intact, with the same talented voice cast bringing the characters to life. Whether you’re a long-time fan or new to the series, Futurama Season 11 is definitely something to look forward to. So mark your calendars and get ready to join Fry, Leela, Bender, and the rest of the crew on their hilarious and exciting journeys once again!