India’s Deadly Heat Waves: A Public Health Crisis

India’s Deadly Heat Waves: A Public Health Crisis

Extreme heat is becoming a major public health crisis in India, with heat waves causing numerous deaths. In June, more than 150 people died during a brutal heat wave. Prolonged heat waves are one of the deadliest consequences of global warming in the country. India estimates that nearly 11,000 people have died due to heat waves in the 21st century, but experts believe this is an underestimation. In the village of Banpur, ambulance crews like Sunil Kumar Naik and Jitendra Kumar are working tirelessly to respond to emergency calls and transport patients to hospitals. However, experts argue that the government needs to take stronger action to address the deadly consequences of extreme heat. This includes issuing heat alerts, educating the public about the risks of heat-related illnesses, and providing better resources to healthcare centers and hospitals. The construction of efficient early warning systems and public awareness campaigns are also crucial. Despite the challenges and hardships, Naik and Kumar are proud of their work in saving lives and helping people in need. However, climate experts emphasize the need for better preparation and response to future heat waves in India, as they are expected to become more frequent and intense due to climate change.

TIS Staff


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