Ghost in the Classroom

Ghost in the Classroom

Neha and her friends had heard stories about the strange things that happened in the Std VI A classroom at night. They decided it was time to for the Five Case Busters to investigate. The five girls were neighbours and lived close to the school. They planned to meet outside Neha’s house at 11.00 p.m. and sneak into the school through the orchard. Coonoor, the small town where they lived, shut down early, making it easier for them to enter unnoticed. Dressed in dark clothes and wearing black caps, they crept down the path towards the orchard. Alka carried a torch, but they didn’t need it as the moon illuminated their path. They reached their classroom and discovered that the door was locked. However, Neha knew of a window that was always open because of a broken lock. They gathered around the window, waiting for something to happen. Just as they were about to give up, a girl dressed in school uniform appeared inside the classroom. She threw books onto the teacher’s desk and began laughing loudly. The girls watched in fear as she ran around the classroom, opening and slamming shut desk drawers. Suddenly, the ghostly girl’s head turned 180 degrees and she locked eyes with Neha and her friends. Terrified, they screamed and ran away. To know more about the mysterious happenings in the classroom and what the girls discovered, read the full article.

TIS Staff


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