The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Tuesday alleged that the Centre was spying on its party headquarters. Senior party leader and Delhi Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj shared CCTV footage of people snooping outside the AAP headquarters and claimed that they seemed to be associated with a government organisation. This revelation comes after the AAP had accused the Centre of spying on Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in May, referring to it as the ‘Modi government’s Snoopgate’. The party had sought a probe into the matter, citing a potential risk to the CM’s life.
In response to the allegations, Delhi BJP spokesperson Praveen Shankar Kapoor denied them and turned the tables on the AAP. Kapoor stated that it was actually the Kejriwal government that engaged in political espionage through its Feedback Unit, highlighting the BJP’s belief in political struggle rather than resorting to spying on any other party.
It remains to be seen how the AAP will proceed with their allegations and if any further action will be taken to address the issue of alleged spying on their party headquarters.