Meta’s Threads app, launched as a rival to social networking site and app Twitter, is making waves on social media. Within a week of launch, more than 100 million users have signed up to Threads via the Android and iOS apps. Threads was launched on July 5, 2023, in 100 countries, including the UK, US, India, and others. This impressive feat has surpassed the record set by Open AI’s ChatGPT app for fastest sign-ups.
To sign up for Threads, users need to sign up through the Instagram app, which imports their name and followers. This has worked in Meta’s favor, as many Instagram users logged into Threads on the same day of its launch. Within the first two hours of launch, Threads garnered 2 million users, which quickly grew to 5 million, 10 million, 30 million, 50 million, and then 70 million users. As of July 10, 2023, Threads has exceeded 100 million users and continues to grow.
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg shared his excitement about Threads’ success, stating that the app reached 100 million sign-ups in just five days, mostly through organic demand without extensive promotions. Users who were dissatisfied with Twitter’s recent policies post Elon Musk’s takeover have eagerly embraced Threads. Some users have also explored alternative apps like Mastodon and Bluesky.
It is important to note that Threads has not been launched in mainland Europe due to EU compliance and data privacy legislation. The app’s popularity has solidified its position as a leading contender in the social media landscape, competing directly with Twitter.
In summary, Meta’s Threads app has achieved a remarkable milestone by surpassing 100 million users within just five days of its launch. The app’s success can be attributed to its integration with Instagram, attracting a large number of existing Instagram users. Threads has quickly gained popularity and is now recognized as a formidable rival to Twitter. As the app continues to grow, it will be interesting to see how it further transforms the social media landscape.