Kareena Kapoor Khan, the Bollywood diva known for her style and grace, recently caught everyone’s attention with her stunning airport look. Making her debut in 2000 with the film Refugee, Kareena has been a fashion icon for the past twenty-three years. Her fashion choices have set trends and influenced many. This time, she effortlessly pulled off an ethnic ensemble at the Mumbai airport, where she was spotted heading out for work.
Kareena chose a white printed kurta paired with matching pants for her airport look. She accessorized it with a silver wristwatch, black sunglasses, and a spacious brown bag. Opting for a no-makeup look and tying her hair in a bun, she exuded simplicity and elegance.
Fans couldn’t contain their excitement and showered Kareena with compliments. One fan commented, “As usual, redness on her face is bang on,” while another user wrote, “She’s so pretty.” Many expressed their admiration for her natural beauty, calling her a “stunning natural beauty.”
Apart from her airport look, Kareena recently celebrated her husband Saif Ali Khan’s 53rd birthday. She took to Instagram to share a picture with him, expressing her love and appreciation. The post received immense love from fans.
Currently, Kareena has several exciting projects lined up. She will be seen in Sujoy Ghosh’s The Devotion of Suspect X, alongside Vijay Varma and Jaideep Ahlawat. Additionally, she is working on The Crew, a film with Tabu and Kriti Sanon, produced by Ektaa R Kapoor and Rhea Kapoor. The Crew is slated for release on March 22, 2024.
Rumors are also circulating about Kareena teaming up with Sonam Kapoor and Rhea Kapoor for the sequel of Veere Di Wedding. Fans are eagerly waiting for more updates on this collaboration.
Kareena Kapoor Khan continues to impress with her timeless style and impeccable fashion sense. Her recent airport look is yet another example of her ability to make any outfit look effortlessly chic. With her upcoming projects, fans can expect more stunning appearances from the Bollywood superstar.