BARC India expands panel homes by 85% to 55,000

BARC India expands panel homes by 85% to 55,000

BARC India, the Broadcast Audience Research Council, has recently announced a significant expansion of its panel homes. The panel homes, which play a crucial role in measuring television viewership in India, have been increased by about 85 per cent. This jump has seen the number of panel homes rise from about 30,000 to about 55,000, signifying a major growth in BARC’s data collection capabilities.

The expansion of panel homes is expected to have a substantial impact on the broadcasting industry in India. With a larger sample size, BARC will have a more representative dataset to evaluate television viewership patterns accurately. This will provide broadcasters, advertisers, and other stakeholders with more reliable and detailed insights into audience preferences and behavior.

Panel homes serve as the foundation of BARC’s viewership measurement system. These selected households are equipped with BAR-O-meters, which are electronic devices capable of recording the viewership data. The BAR-O-meters monitor the channels and programmes watched by panel members and transmit the collected data to BARC on a regular basis. This data is then aggregated and analyzed to determine the television ratings.

The decision to expand the panel homes by 85 per cent reflects BARC’s commitment to enhancing the accuracy and representativeness of its viewership measurement system. By increasing the sample size, BARC aims to improve the statistical reliability of its data, resulting in more precise television ratings.

The expansion of panel homes also addresses concerns raised by broadcasters regarding the adequacy of the sample size. With a larger number of panel homes, the data collected will be more diverse and inclusive, taking into account the various demographic and geographic factors that influence viewership patterns.

BARC is recognized as the official currency for television audience measurement in India. Its ratings are widely used by advertisers to make informed decisions regarding advertising placements and investments. By expanding the panel homes, BARC aims to boost the confidence of advertisers and broadcasters in the accuracy and credibility of its viewership measurement system.

To facilitate the expansion, BARC India has undertaken various initiatives, including collaborating with third-party vendors for panel recruitment, investing in technology upgrades, and enhancing its data collection and processing infrastructure. These measures are aimed at ensuring the seamless integration of new panel homes into the existing measurement system.

Overall, the expansion of panel homes by BARC India marks a significant milestone in the evolution of television viewership measurement in the country. With a larger and more diverse sample, BARC is poised to provide more accurate and comprehensive insights into television audience behavior, which will benefit the entire broadcasting industry in India.



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