Mesmerising Snaps of the Rare Super Blue Moon

Mesmerising Snaps of the Rare Super Blue Moon

Skygrazers around the world were treated to a rare sight on August 30 as a Super Blue Moon lit up the night sky. The Super Blue Moon is a rare event where a Supermoon and a Blue Moon overlap. Astronomers and enthusiasts took to the streets to capture mesmerising photos of the celestial phenomenon. This Super Blue Moon is particularly special as it is the second to occur in the month of August. These rare events occur on average every 10 years, and the next one won’t happen again until January 2037, so those who missed it will have to wait nearly four more decades. The Moon appears larger and brighter during a Supermoon, as it is at its closest distance to Earth. This particular Super Blue Moon is reported to have cast 30% more light on the Earth compared to a dimmest full Moon. The next pair of Super Blue Moons is set to occur in January and March 2037. The Super Blue Moon is a fascinating celestial event that captivates astronomy enthusiasts worldwide.

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