India and France to Focus on Early Finalisation of Defence Industrial Roadmap

India and France to Focus on Early Finalisation of Defence Industrial Roadmap

India and France have agreed to prioritize the early finalization of the defence industrial roadmap. During a lunch meeting between Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and French President Emanuel Macron, the leaders reaffirmed their commitment to strengthen defence cooperation and expand production in India for countries in the Indo-Pacific region and beyond. They also called for the early completion of the defence industrial roadmap. The two leaders discussed the need to strengthen institutional linkages in digital, science, technological innovation, education, culture, health, and environment cooperation, following the model of the Indo-French Campus for Indo-Pacific. Cultural exchanges and collaboration in the development of museums were also highlighted. Both leaders acknowledged the strength of their partnership and stressed the importance of expanding collaboration to address regional and global challenges. The leaders discussed the progress and next steps in the implementation of new goals for cooperation in defence, space, nuclear energy, digital public infrastructure, critical technology, climate change, education, and people-to-people contacts. Partnership in Africa, including infrastructure, connectivity, energy, biodiversity, sustainability, and industrial projects, was also a topic of discussion. India and France emphasized their role as solution providers for the Indo-Pacific through their cooperation in the International Solar Alliance and the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure. The joint statement issued after the talks highlighted the significance of these partnerships in addressing regional and global challenges. The visit between the leaders served as an opportunity to review the progress made in achieving the goals set during Modi’s visit to Paris, including the ‘Horizon 2047’ and Indo-Pacific roadmap. The leaders expressed their commitment to strengthen defence cooperation and expand production in India for countries in the Indo-Pacific region and beyond. They also emphasized the importance of institutional linkages in digital, science, technological innovation, education, culture, health, and environment cooperation. The Indo-French Campus for Indo-Pacific was recognized as a successful model for cooperation. The leaders reaffirmed their commitment to expand cultural exchanges and collaborations in museum development. The leaders acknowledged the importance of expanding collaboration to address regional and global challenges. The leaders discussed their progress and next steps in the implementation of new goals for cooperation in defence, space, nuclear energy, digital public infrastructure, critical technology, climate change, education, and people-to-people contacts. Partnership in Africa, including infrastructure, connectivity, energy, biodiversity, sustainability, and industrial projects, was also discussed. India and France highlighted their role as solution providers in the Indo-Pacific region through their cooperation in the International Solar Alliance and the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure.

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