PM Modi Stresses on Data and Technology Sharing at G20 Summit

PM Modi Stresses on Data and Technology Sharing at G20 Summit

Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivered a speech at the G20 summit, where he stressed the importance of data and technology sharing for human-centric growth. He called for the expansion of the United Nations Security Council’s permanent membership to reflect the current global structure. Modi suggested holding a virtual session in November to review the progress on proposals made at the summit. He emphasized the significance of sustainable and stable development and expressed India’s readiness to share data and technology with the international community.

During his concluding remarks at the summit, Modi acknowledged the suggestions and proposals made by other leaders and emphasized the need for their speedy implementation. He proposed holding a virtual session of the G20 in November to discuss and expedite the progress of these proposals.

Modi also highlighted the need to reassess the composition of the United Nations Security Council, considering the changes in the world scenario. He stressed that the new global structure should be reflected in the UN system. The Indian Prime Minister expressed hope for a smooth roadmap towards unity, peace, and a shared future for all.

In regards to AI governance, Modi called for the adoption of a human-centric vision for progress, beyond the conventional GDP-centric approach. He emphasized India’s efforts in using data and technology for socio-economic development. Modi mentioned India’s willingness to share data from the Chandrayaan-3 moon mission as an example of its commitment to a human-centric approach. He also proposed the preparation of a framework for Responsible Human-Centric AI Governance.

Modi addressed the challenges posed by cybercrime and emphasized the impact of cryptocurrencies on social order and monetary stability. He called for the amplification of the mandate of Multilateral Development Banks to ensure immediate and effective decisions.

In concluding his remarks, Modi expressed confidence in Brazil’s leadership during its upcoming G20 presidency and assured India’s cooperation and support. He emphasized the importance of global unity and prosperity.

In summary, Prime Minister Modi’s speech at the G20 summit emphasized the need for data and technology sharing, expansion of the United Nations Security Council, and a human-centric approach to development. He proposed a virtual session to discuss the progress of proposals made at the summit and expressed India’s willingness to share data and technology with the world. Modi also addressed the challenges and opportunities of AI governance and called for immediate and effective decisions by Multilateral Development Banks.

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