Centre reviews steps on containment of Nipah virus outbreak in Kozhikode

Centre reviews steps on containment of Nipah virus outbreak in Kozhikode

The Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare has stated that the government is closely monitoring the situation and taking necessary steps to prevent the spread of the Nipah virus outbreak in Kozhikode. The health authorities are conducting contact tracing and surveillance to identify and isolate potential cases. Strict infection prevention and control measures are being implemented in hospitals. The Union Minister has assured that the government is fully prepared to tackle the situation and all necessary resources are being provided to contain the outbreak. Read more [here](https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/news/national/centre-review-steps-on-containment-of-nipah-virus-outbreak-in-kozhikode/article67308029.ece).

TIS Staff


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