AIUDF criticizes BJP-led Union government over proposed Uniform Civil Code

AIUDF criticizes BJP-led Union government over proposed Uniform Civil Code

The All India United Democratic Front (AIUDF) has criticized the BJP-led Union government for its proposed Uniform Civil Code (UCC), stating that it cannot implement uniform civil laws throughout the country. AIUDF MLA Karim Uddin Barbhuiya argues that the UCC does not align with the diverse conventions and rules followed by people of different faiths and communities.

AIUDF MLA Karim Uddin Barbhuiya stated that it is not feasible for the BJP-led central government to implement the UCC across the country as it is not in sync with the conventions and rules that people practicing different faiths or belonging to diverse communities are bound by. He mentioned that India is known for its unity in diversity, and people belonging to different religious faiths follow their own set of rules or provisions guaranteed by the Constitution.

Barbhuiya further criticized the BJP for claiming to be the flag-bearers of Hindutva but not working to advance the interests of the majority community or people belonging to other religious faiths. He accused the BJP of playing an emotional card and stated that they cannot even implement the UCC in the Northeast.

The AIUDF MLA also criticized the Assam government for introducing multiple bills for political mileage. He questioned the implementation of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and claimed that the ruling party failed to keep its promises to the people.

Regarding the upcoming Lok Sabha polls, Barbhuiya predicted that the BJP would struggle to cross 170 seats. He claimed that the AIUDF would win three seats in Assam, while the Congress would only secure one seat.

The AIUDF’s criticism comes as the Assam government has formed a committee to draft legislation for banning polygamy and other practices, including inter-religious marriage by false identity and the alleged role of Kazi in officiating child marriages. Barbhuiya expressed his personal opposition to any legislation banning polygamy.

Read more: [AIUDF criticizes BJP-led Union government over proposed Uniform Civil Code](

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