The AAP in Punjab has claimed that the Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) have already ‘finalised’ an alliance in Punjab. According to the AAP’s chief spokesperson in Punjab, Malvinder Singh Kang, efforts to seal the alliance were initiated by Harsimrat Kaur Badal, former Union minister and Bathinda MP. He further stated that leaders from both parties met in Delhi 15 days ago to discuss the terms of the coalition. However, the SAD has rubbished these claims, with senior party leader Daljit Singh Cheema accusing the AAP of spreading misinformation. Cheema stated that the AAP is diverting attention from the Congress-AAP alliance, and questioned the compulsion behind the AAP spokesperson providing false statements to the media. The SAD had broken off its ties with the BJP over the now-repealed farm laws in 2020, but Kang claimed that the alliance was only broken to mislead people during the farmers’ protest. He further alleged that the SAD and BJP were always aligned behind the scenes. According to Kang, the BJP does not want SAD chief Sukhbir Singh Badal and his brother-in-law Bikram Singh Majithia to contest the Lok Sabha elections due to the dislike the people of Punjab have for them. He added that the alliance between the SAD and BJP would make the public dislike them even more. The SAD and BJP, however, have not announced the alliance yet as they are afraid of facing the ire of the people of Punjab, Kang claimed. In response to these claims, SAD leader Daljit Singh Cheema asked the AAP to stop its misinformation campaign and accused the AAP and Congress of having an unprincipled and unholy alliance. The AAP and Congress are both part of the opposition alliance in Punjab. As of now, there has been no official announcement from the SAD or BJP regarding an alliance in Punjab.