Delivering Words of Gratitude

Delivering Words of Gratitude

In a rush to achieve more and outdo others, the practice of gratitude often takes a back seat. Gratitude is not just an expression of thanks; it’s a mindset that has the power to reshape our perspectives, boost our well-being, and enhance our relationships. Instead of counting our blessings, we spend more time focusing on what is lacking and blaming others or systems. However, gratitude can be a powerful force for sowing the seeds of contentment.

The author shares a personal experience of conducting a training programme where participants were asked to think of an occasion when they received noteworthy help but had not expressed adequate gratitude. Two women participants became emotional as they realized their oversight in not expressing gratitude to someone who had helped them during a critical time in their lives. This heartwarming story demonstrates the impact of expressing gratitude.

Gratitude is a practice that should not be underestimated. It has the power to bring people closer, foster empathy, and create a positive mindset. By cultivating gratitude, we can find contentment in our lives and appreciate the contributions of others. It’s time to make gratitude a priority and experience its transformative effects.

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