Over 900,000 New Immigrants Arrive in the US Between 2021 and 2022

Over 900,000 New Immigrants Arrive in the US Between 2021 and 2022

A late-pandemic surge of new arrivals from India, Venezuela, and China has brought over 900,000 new immigrants to the United States between 2021 and 2022, according to new census data analysis by Stateline. Florida received the highest number of migrants, followed by Georgia, Texas, Maryland, and North Carolina. These new immigrants have helped fill job vacancies and counter population decline in larger cities. However, the influx has also strained schools and shelters in several states.

The US Census Bureau’s American Community Survey data shows that there were 46.2 million immigrants living in the US in July 2022, compared to 45.3 million in July 2021, marking an increase of 912,000. The data includes US citizens, permanent residents, and immigrants and migrants living in the country legally or illegally.

The analysis reveals significant increases in immigrants from India, Venezuela, and China. The number of immigrants from India increased by about 130,000 (5%) in one year, while immigrants from Venezuela increased by about 122,000 (22%) and immigrants from China increased by about 86,000 (4%).

Florida saw the largest one-year increase in new immigrants, with 208,000 arrivals, representing a 5% jump. The state also witnessed an increase of 65,000 immigrants from Venezuela and 30,000 from Haiti. The data shows that new immigrants have been attracted to larger cities, while suburbs and smaller cities have experienced more internal migration since the pandemic.

Overall, there were large increases in immigrants in Georgia (up 85,000), Texas (up 77,000), Maryland (up 51,000), and North Carolina (up 47,000). On the other hand, states like California, Hawaii, and Colorado experienced a decrease in immigrant population.

The data also reveals that immigrants from India and China are more likely to use legal visas, while those from Venezuela and other countries in Central and South America are more likely to cross the border and claim asylum. Immigration court backlogs are at an all-time high, with Florida, Texas, California, and New York having the most pending cases.

Immigrants from India and China are usually high-skill workers and their families, using education and investor visas. However, some controversial investor visas have been overhauled to support more job creation in rural and high-unemployment areas of the US. On the other hand, there have been reports of migrants from India and China crossing the southern border and seeking asylum due to various reasons.

The data also highlights the concentration of Indian immigrants in California, Texas, and New Jersey, with Silicon Valley’s Santa Clara and Alameda counties having the largest county population. Many migrants from Venezuela, fleeing political and economic turmoil, settle in Florida and Texas.

The report emphasizes the strain that the influx of new immigrants has put on resources in cities and schools. The mayors of New York City and Chicago have expressed concerns about the costs associated with providing shelter, services, and education to the new arrivals. Similarly, schools in Liberty County, Texas, have faced funding challenges due to the doubling of the immigrant population.

In conclusion, the analysis of new census data highlights the significant increase in new immigrants arriving in the US between 2021 and 2022. While the influx has provided benefits in terms of filling job vacancies, it has also strained resources, particularly in cities and schools. The data also reveals the diverse origins of the new immigrants, with India, Venezuela, and China leading the way.

TIS Staff


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