Overcoming Hurdles: The Significance of Vinayaka Chathurti

Overcoming Hurdles: The Significance of Vinayaka Chathurti

People lament that life is an obstacle race, with very little appreciation of desirable results. Observing Vinayaka Chathurti with full faith in divine help is the only solution, Tiruvidaimarudur Brahmhasri Nidhiswara Shrowthigal said in a discourse.

Also hailed as Mahaganapathi, His history is narrated by Brahma from Sveta Kalpa, to Sage Narada, in accordance with the latter’s request. Brahma recounts Parvati-Parameswaran’s wedding, and when Parameswaran sets off to wage war on an asura, He sets guards to safeguard the Goddess and Her entourage. Finding the guards scary and fierce, the women request the Goddess to create someone better. Obliging them, Parvati fashions a child from the turmeric smeared on Her body, gives Him a staff, and asks Him to protect Her from intruders.

Upon returning, Parameswaran is shocked to find Himself stopped from entering Parvati’s inner courtyard. When the child ferociously guards the portal with his staff, Parameswaran’s guards pounce on Him but the child thrashes them all. Angered, Parameswaran unleashes His weapon on the child. A furious Parvati becomes angry with the universe. Unable to bear this, sages and seers pray to Parameswaran, seeking alleviation. He tasks His guards with bringing Him the head of the first living creature they encounter. The guards return with an elephant’s head. Parameswaran, who gives life to all forms, fixes the elephant head on the still child, who then comes alive, as though from sleep.

A pleased Parvati blesses the child along with Parameswaran. From that moment on, it is ordained that one should pray to Ganapathi before embarking on any task. He will remove all hurdles and fructify one’s goals.

TIS Staff


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