In a Financial Emergency, Should You Dip Into Funds Saved for Child’s Education?

In a Financial Emergency, Should You Dip Into Funds Saved for Child’s Education?

Akshat, an IT professional with 25 years of experience, has been investing for his daughter’s education since her birth. However, due to his current financial condition and lack of a job, he considers using the corpus he invested for her education. This decision raises questions about the fungibility of wealth and the changing priorities of households. While it is tough for a parent emotionally, accessing funds set aside for children may be necessary. The article suggests that Akshat might persuade his daughter to take an educational loan and contribute towards her education from her own income. This would enable Akshat to save for his retirement and ensure his long-term future. However, he must also consider his daughter’s ability to repay the loan and make practical choices in these difficult times. The article concludes by emphasizing the importance of prioritizing financial goals and making tough decisions based on the changing needs of the family. It is highlighted that this column reflects the opinions of the writer and does not necessarily represent the views of

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