ISRO Chief Calls for Greater Private Sector Participation in the Indian Space Sector

ISRO Chief Calls for Greater Private Sector Participation in the Indian Space Sector

Exhorting greater private sector participation in the Indian space sector, ISRO Chief S Somnath emphasized the need for industry leaders, like Elon Musk in the US, to invest in India. Speaking at the AIMA’s annual convention, Somnath highlighted the challenges in the space sector but noted the opportunity for passionate individuals to start in the applications segment, such as ground equipment manufacturing. He expressed the aim of boosting the manufacturing of space equipment in India and the need for more industry support, particularly in the electronics domain.

Somnath stated that the private sector is gradually increasing its footprint in the space sector and can now build and launch satellites independently, even outside of ISRO. Through public-private partnerships and other modes of collaboration, the participation of private entities in the space sector is being facilitated. The ISRO Chief mentioned the ongoing efforts to achieve cost effectiveness in rocket designing so that private companies can design and build their own rockets.

To be globally competitive in the space sector, India requires at least 500 satellites compared to the current count of 53. Somnath revealed that Nasa scientists reviewed India’s components and expressed interest in purchasing them due to their cost effectiveness. However, sourcing components remains a major challenge, particularly in areas like ceramics and integrated chips. Efforts are underway to ease restrictions and make American components available to Indian companies.

In conclusion, ISRO Chief S Somnath called for greater private sector involvement in the Indian space sector and emphasized the need for industry leaders to invest in India. The article provides insights into the challenges faced by the sector, the opportunities for growth, and the efforts being made to boost manufacturing and improve cost effectiveness. India’s space sector ambitions can be realized through increased industry support and collaboration with the private sector.

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