Google Created Hurdles to Protect Smartphone Foothold, Claims Mobile Company

Google Created Hurdles to Protect Smartphone Foothold, Claims Mobile Company

The founder of Branch Metrics, a mobile software company that developed a method of searching within smartphone apps, testified at a US antitrust trial that his company faced difficulties integrating with devices due to actions taken by Google to prevent them. The trial, in its third week, is investigating allegations that Google abused its monopoly power in search and search advertising. Google has maintained that their business practices were legal. The trial includes claims that Google pays $10 billion annually to smartphone makers, wireless carriers, and others to maintain its search monopoly. Alexander Austin, the former CEO of Branch Metrics, shared that Samsung expressed concerns that Branch’s tools were in conflict with Google. Specifically, Samsung requested that Branch ensure their searches stay within apps and never link to the web. The case against Google aims to highlight the company’s anti-competitive behavior.

TIS Staff


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