After MP, BJP may field big guns in other states

After MP, BJP may field big guns in other states

After the recent Madhya Pradesh by-elections, where the BJP suffered a major setback, the party is now contemplating fielding prominent leaders in other states as well. The defeat in MP has raised concerns within the party, prompting a re-evaluation of their strategy for the upcoming assembly elections. It is speculated that the BJP may field big guns such as senior politicians and popular faces in key states to improve their chances of winning. This move by the BJP is aimed at countering the growing popularity of opposition parties and reaffirming their hold on power. The decision to field prominent leaders is seen as a way to sway voters and garner support in important battleground states. The BJP remains determined to bounce back from the recent defeat and is looking for ways to strengthen its position before the upcoming elections. The party believes that the inclusion of big guns will not only boost their campaign but also attract more votes. This strategy is deemed crucial for the BJP as they face tough competition from rival parties in several states. The party is leaving no stone unturned to ensure victory in the upcoming polls, and the inclusion of prominent leaders is seen as a key part of their new strategy. With the Madhya Pradesh by-election results serving as a wake-up call for the BJP, the party is now focused on regaining lost ground and consolidating their position as a dominant political force. By fielding big guns in other states, the BJP aims to change the narrative and regain public confidence. The party is confident that the inclusion of popular and influential leaders will turn the tide in their favor and help them stage a comeback. With assembly elections approaching in various states, it remains to be seen whether this new strategy by the BJP will yield positive results and help them maintain their hold on power.

TIS Staff


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