The Taiwan Conundrum: India Balancing Trade, Technology, and Security Amid Chinese Belligerence

The Taiwan Conundrum: India Balancing Trade, Technology, and Security Amid Chinese Belligerence

History is the sum total of things that could have been avoided. – Konrad Adenauer, former Chancellor of Germany. Adenauer, an opponent of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, was witness to the two World Wars that the world has seen. One can understand the gravity of the words and the standpoint that he spoke from. These words derive more significance if one looks at what is happening between Taiwan and China, with India watching from a distance. For…

India’s approach towards the Taiwan issue has become critically important as China asserts its claim over the island nation. While Taiwan remains confident in its identity, India is taking a balanced approach, carefully weighing its options should the security situation worsen. This delicate situation has created a gray-zone competition, with both India and the US keeping a close eye on the developments in the Taiwan Strait…

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TIS Staff


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