Sadhguru’s inspiring quotes for leadership, success and business

Sadhguru’s inspiring quotes for leadership, success and business

Oct 12, 2023 – Imbibe some inspiring quotes by Sadhguru that will give you a boost in your leadership skills, success and business. As a leader, your every thought, emotion, and action impacts many lives. It’s extremely important to work on how you are within yourself. Being a leader does not mean dominating the situation. It means empowering people to do what they would not have imagined possible. Unless a leader displays an infectious level of inspiration, sloth and inertia will prevail. Leadership means partnership, cooperation, mentoring, and support. It does not mean dominance. Dominance is tyranny. Whatever kind of business you are into, ultimately, there is only one business, that is human wellbeing. You need to look at why you want a break from work. If you were doing something that you truly care about, would you want a break? People are successful not necessarily because they work hard. They just do the right thing. If your idea of success is just about being ahead of others, you will definitely not explore the full potential of who you are. Read more on Times Of India.

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