Pray to Thayar this Navaratri

Pray to Thayar this Navaratri

No matter where we are, whatever state we may be in, the only thing we need is the grace of Thayar (Mahalakshmi). Her kadaksham is all that is required to attain not only worldly riches, but also the everlasting blessings for oneself and one’s family, eternally. It is easily achieved if we pray to Mahalakshmi this Navaratri by reciting nine relevant slokas every day, said Prabha Senesh in a discourse.

One may wonder how She can be celebrated thus when Narayanan is the primordial one. She enjoys this exalted status since She resides in Him eternally and just Her glance is sacrosanct. Lakshmi translates as Lakshanam, the attribute, the mark of Narayanan. He blesses us from His five states (nilai), but even there He is guided by the flick of Her gaze.

On days one and two of Navaratri, Narayanan is celebrated in Para and Vyuha states, respectively. Reciting the “Svasti shrirdishat AdashEShajagatAm sargOpasarga sthiti’’ verse from Koorathazhwar’s Sristavam on day one and the 14th stanza of Swami Vedanta Desikan’s Sri Stuti the next day will help gain Her blessings.

Day three of Navaratri, we celebrate the Lord in Antharyami. Narayanan resides in the hearts and minds of all devotees in this state. In his work Paratvadi Panchakam, (verse 4, sloka beginning Yo devadicarturvidhesta janisu brahmandakosantare) Nadadoor Ammal says, inside the shell of Brahmanda, the movable and immovable beings, He who dwells and pervades the inside and outside of each entity is Vishnu and He is smaller than small entities and greater than great things. Vishnu resides as Sripati, with Lakshmi always present in Him. It is She who guides everyone on the ways and means to reach Narayanan.

TIS Staff


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