Students with Type-1 Diabetes in Maharashtra Now Allowed Snacks in Classroom

Students with Type-1 Diabetes in Maharashtra Now Allowed Snacks in Classroom

The Maharashtra education department has announced that students suffering from type-1 diabetes in grades I to XII will now be allowed to consume snacks and take medication in the classroom and during examinations. This decision comes after the education department included these students in the special needs (disabled) category. A state-level committee was formed to explore the use of teaching and adaptive assessment methods that cater to the learning style of students with special needs.

Students with type-1 diabetes who require snacks during the morning or afternoon sessions will now be allowed to eat them in the classroom with the teacher’s permission. However, these students must obtain clearance from their doctor if they wish to participate in any sporting activities. Additional provisions will be made for students with type-1 diabetes during competitive and other examinations. They will be allowed to carry their medication with them.

According to the communication from the education department, students using Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM), Flash Glucose Monitoring (FGM), and/or insulin pumps should be permitted to have these devices with them during exams. However, if a smartphone is being used for glucose monitoring, it should be kept with the teacher or invigilator.

The order to allow students with type-1 diabetes to consume snacks and take medication in the classroom and during examinations was passed based on the recommendations made by the chairman of the National Commission for Child Rights in a semi-government order. This decision recognizes the special needs of students with type-1 diabetes and aims to provide them with necessary support and accommodations.

Type-1 diabetes is a condition in which the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or does not produce it at all. This lack of insulin results in elevated blood sugar levels, which can be harmful to the body and lead to various symptoms and complications associated with diabetes. Type-1 diabetes can develop at any age and may be caused by an immune system reaction.

Overall, this announcement by the Maharashtra education department is a positive step towards inclusivity and support for students with type-1 diabetes. By allowing them to consume snacks and take medication in the classroom and during examinations, these students can better manage their condition and have equal opportunities for education and success.

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