Train accidents and blasts in Kerala: Letters to the Editor

Train accidents and blasts in Kerala: Letters to the Editor

Every train accident only serves as a blunt reminder to the Indian Railways of the need to ensure that its passengers have a safe journey and comfortable service. The promotion of luxury trains should not be at the expense of existing passenger services. A thorough review is needed to address deficiencies in Railways.

The recent train accident in Balasore highlights the gaps in signalling systems and erodes passenger confidence. The Railways should prioritize track and signalling maintenance with high-speed trains. Locomotive pilots should undergo regular medical screening.

The blasts at a convention in Kerala were foiled by the perpetrator surrendering to the crime. Right-wing zealots should refrain from linking the incident to external conflicts. The incident underscores the need for humanity and the preciousness of human life in religious communities and society as a whole.

The Kerala case has taken a political turn with baseless accusations and rumors. A thorough and time-bound investigation is necessary. Political parties should avoid appeasing radical elements.

Only a thorough investigation can reveal the truth about the bombings, but politicians have already used religion for electoral gains. The state administration and police must maintain peace and order.

The world has evolved, but distrust among nations persists.

TIS Staff


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