‘Jawan’, Shah Rukh Khan’s latest release, proved to be a massive success at the box office, grossing over Rs 1000 crore worldwide. Directed by Atlee, the film garnered a lot of attention by adding a touch of South Indian flavor. Now, there are speculations that ‘Jawan’ will soon be available for streaming on Netflix. As SRK’s 58th birthday approaches, the OTT platform has started a countdown, hinting that they have a big announcement related to his film. While nothing has been confirmed yet, fans are eagerly waiting for an official statement from the streamer. ‘Jawan’ revolves around a man driven by a personal vendetta to eliminate corruption from society. Alongside Shah Rukh Khan, the film features Nayanthara, Vijay Sethupathi, Priyamani, and Sanya Malhotra in supporting roles. Deepika Padukone also makes a fierce cameo appearance in this highly anticipated movie.
Shah Rukh Khan’s ‘Jawan’ likely to stream on Netflix soon