Woman Gets Lover to Kill Live-in Partner, 3 Held

Woman Gets Lover to Kill Live-in Partner, 3 Held

A 24-year-old woman, along with her lover and his friend, has been arrested for allegedly orchestrating the murder of her live-in partner. The victim, a 26-year-old man, was found dead in a river with injuries and blood stains on a nearby bridge. Police investigation revealed that the woman, who had previously been arrested for attempting to kill her own family, was involved in an affair with one of the accused. The victim had objected to the relationship, prompting the woman to plan his murder. The suspects called the victim to a bar and, later, to a village where they killed him and disposed of his body in the river.
The woman had a troubled history, having been previously arrested for attempting to kill her mother-in-law and other family members by setting their house on fire. After being released on bail, she started living in a different area and worked in a massage parlour. It was there that she met the second accused, her lover. The victim, her previous live-in partner, became aware of the affair and expressed his disapproval. In response, the woman conspired with her lover and his friend to murder the victim.
The police are currently searching for another accomplice who is still at large. The investigation is ongoing, and the motive behind the murder is believed to be the victim’s objection to the woman’s extramarital affair. The three arrested individuals, including the woman, are now in custody and facing charges related to the murder.
This case highlights the importance of proper investigation and preventive measures to address domestic disputes and potential violence. Additionally, it underscores the need for society to address issues related to extramarital affairs and their potential consequences, emphasizing the significance of open communication and conflict resolution.

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