Posters dubbing former Karnataka Chief Minister H D Kumaraswamy as ‘current thief’ have appeared on the walls near his house in Bengaluru. This comes a day after the Bengaluru Electricity Supply Company registered a case of power theft against him. Videos showing the posters have gone viral on social media platforms. The posters were removed by the police upon learning about them. The Congress in Karnataka has accused Kumaraswamy of drawing power illegally to light up his JP Nagar residence with decorative lights during Deepavali. The ruling party posted a video along with a statement on micro-blogging site criticizing the JD(S) leader and son of former Prime Minister H D Deve Gowda. The Bengaluru Electricity Supply Company (BESCOM) vigilance wing conducted an inspection and registered a case under Section 135 of the Indian Electricity Act. Kumaraswamy, however, claimed that it was not his fault but of a private decorator who gave the connection directly from a nearby electricity pole. He stated that when he got to know about it, he immediately got it removed and took the electricity connection from the meter board of the house. The Congress took a jibe at Kumaraswamy, calling him the ‘lone honest person in the world’ for allegedly stealing electricity.
Posters Calling Kumaraswamy ‘Electricity Thief’ Appear Near His House
- November 16, 2023
TIS Staff