Russia Bombs Ukrainian Forces Near River Dnipro, Killing 75 Soldiers

Russia Bombs Ukrainian Forces Near River Dnipro, Killing 75 Soldiers

The Russian military announced on Saturday that it had conducted extensive bombing on Ukrainian forces near the River Dnipro in southern Ukraine, leading to the deaths of approximately 75 Ukrainian soldiers. Kyiv’s military revealed that its troops had successfully pushed Russian soldiers out of positions on the eastern bank of the River Dnipro in certain areas of the Kherson region and established multiple bridgeheads. Although some Ukrainian forces had indeed crossed onto the eastern bank, Moscow characterized their experience as a relentless onslaught. Russia’s defense ministry stated in a Saturday press release that artillery and air strikes had targeted Ukrainian forces in the settlement of Kachkarivka on the west bank of the River Dnipro, as well as on two islands. The attack claimed up to 75 enemy soldiers’ lives and destroyed four vehicles. It should be noted that this battlefield claim could not be independently verified by Reuters. To read more about this incident, click on the link above.

TIS Staff


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