Rajamannar Street Plagued by Unauthorised Parking and Flooding

Rajamannar Street Plagued by Unauthorised Parking and Flooding

Rajamannar Street, off Gopathi Narayana Road, at T. Nagar is a semi-circular stretch. It is a residential locality that was once home to some of the influential persons of the city. Now, it is a picture of neglect. Water has not drained from the street since the last rain. Saturday’s rain has only added to the problem. The playground, on one side, has not been used for two months because of waterlogging, say residents. On Friday, a portion of the street was closed, and water was being drained from one arm of the street. This helped two-wheeler-users park their vehicles, unmindful of the ‘No Parking’ sign. At the centre of the street, five garbage bins have been placed as part of the Greater Chennai Corporation’s effort at source segregation. Residents say the bins are used by mobile and small eateries in nearby streets to dump the leftovers. “It makes it difficult to walk on the street,” says M. Pannerselvam, a resident. Prabhakar, 80, who has been living on the street since he was born, says the street was named after P. V. Rajamannar, former Chief Justice of the Madras High Court, who was also the Governor of the State. A retired civil engineer, Mr. Prabhakar says, “The bins are placed almost at the centre of the road. If they are placed along the wall of the playground, the battery-operated cars would have sufficient space, without having to spread the ware along the road, thus making it difficult to pass the stretch even on foot.” People visiting the shops at Pondy Bazaar park their vehicles along the stretch. “They will return with loads of purchase, sometimes by autorickshaws, and clog the road,” he says. At any given time, dozens of two-wheelers are also parked along the entire stretch. The residents have given complaints, including one to Mayor R. Priya. “She is responsive but there is no relief,” Mr. Prabhakar says.

TIS Staff


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