Three final-year BBA students in Bengaluru and their friend from Kerala were arrested on charges of rash driving after a video of them hanging out from the windows of their car went viral. The incident took place on the Kempegowda International Airport expressway on the night of December 14-15. The arrested individuals were identified as Nasim Abbas, Salmanul Faris, Mohammed Nusif, and Salman Faris. They were charged under IPC sections 279 and 283. Investigation revealed that Salman Faris’ father had purchased a used car from Delhi and Salman had come to Bengaluru to meet his friends. The four individuals, excited to visit the airport for the first time, danced in the car and hung out from the windows and sunroof. The entire act was recorded on the dashboard camera of another car and uploaded online.
Bengaluru: Three BBA students arrested for rash driving