Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin has assigned State Ministers and senior IAS officers to monitor the flood situation and relief efforts in Kanniyakumari, Tirunelveli, Thoothukudi, and Tenkasi districts of the state. The move comes as these districts are experiencing heavy rains. In a meeting held by Chief Secretary Shiv Das Meena with the Collectors of the districts, it was emphasized that necessary steps should be taken to prevent damage and losses. The Chief Minister has deputed officials from various departments to closely monitor the situation and guide the district officials in their relief efforts. S. Nagarajan, Land Administration Commissioner and former Collector of Kanniyakumari, has been sent to Kanniyakumari district for this purpose. R. Selvaraj, Secretary of Tamil Development and Information Department, will be in charge of Tirunelveli district. B. Jothi Nirmala, Secretary of Commercial Taxes, will monitor the situation in Thoothukudi district, while Shunchonngam Jatak Chiru, Secretary of Social Welfare Department, has been assigned to Tenkasi district. Additionally, G. Prakash, Additional Revenue Administration Commissioner, P. Ponniah, Director of Rural Development, Kiran Gurrala, Director of Town Panchayats, and S. Sivarasu, Director of Municipal Administration, will be stationed in these districts to provide necessary support. The Chief Minister has also cautioned fishermen in the affected areas to refrain from venturing into the sea during this time.
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Assigns Officials to Monitor Flood Relief Measures