Merchant vessel hit by projectile in possible drone attack

Merchant vessel hit by projectile in possible drone attack

Merchant vessel Chem Pluto, which was hit by a projectile, arrived in Mumbai on Monday. The initial assessment of the area of attack and the debris found on the ship by the Navy’s explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) team points towards a drone attack. However, further forensic and technical analysis is needed to determine the exact details of the attack. The Navy has started a joint investigation with various agencies. An official with knowledge of the matter stated that the nature of the attack was a cause for serious concern, as it could have resulted in a massive explosion if the impact had been elsewhere on the ship. The vessel, with 22 crew members, was located around 217 nautical miles from the Porbandar coast in the Arabian Sea when it was hit. The ship has been cleared for further operation and will undergo mandatory checks by inspecting authorities before cargo transfer. The damaged portion will also be repaired. In response to recent attacks in the Arabian Sea, the Navy has deployed guided missile destroyers and reconnaissance aircraft to maintain a deterrent presence. In a separate incident, a crude oil tanker with Indian crew, heading to India, reported being hit by a one-way attack drone in the Southern Red Sea, but no injuries were reported.

TIS Staff


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