A first information report (FIR) filed against an alleged orphanage in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, has exposed the horrifying abuse endured by 21 minor girls. The FIR documents multiple forms of assault and mistreatment, including forcing the girls to parade naked, throwing them from the first floor, making them inhale chilli powder smoke, burning them with hot tongs, and subjecting them to days of starvation. These cruel acts were described as punishments for alleged mistakes. The FIR, based on statements given by the girls to the district Child Welfare Committee, names five women, including current and former staff members, as the alleged perpetrators. It also reveals that the staff gave away two infants to unknown individuals, and forced the children to harm each other. Shockingly, when the girls complained to the NGO director about their ordeal, their concerns were dismissed. The child welfare authorities raided the Vatsalyapuram facility on January 12, following which it was sealed for operating illegally. The 21 rescued girls have been relocated to other government-run shelter homes. The Madhya Pradesh High Court is currently considering an habeas corpus petition filed by the NGO against the sealing of the facility, with the organization arguing that it is not an orphanage but a hostel where the children were living with their parents’ consent. Indore CWC chairperson Pallavi Porwal stated that the staff would present the girls as orphans during special events but subjected them to severe abuse for any minor mistake at other times. While denying any sexual abuse, Porwal emphasized the need to prioritize the care, protection, and rehabilitation of the traumatized girls. Many of the girls are from other districts, and the respective CWCs will be contacted to support and care for them. The future legal action will be determined by the Madhya Pradesh High Court’s judgment on the NGO’s petition. The immediate focus is on providing counseling to help the girls recover from their trauma.
FIR reveals horrific abuse faced by girls rescued from Indore children’s home