The Allahabad High Court has fixed February 22 for the hearing of a plea challenging the maintainability of a suit seeking the removal of the Shahi Idgah mosque in Mathura. The suit claims that the mosque has been constructed on 13.37 acres of land that belongs to the Katra Keshav Deo temple. The court has directed that objections to the suit’s maintainability need to be filed before February 22. The court had previously transferred all 15 cases related to the Sri Krishna Janmabhoomi-Shahi Idgah Masjid dispute. The court has now asked the plaintiffs to file their objections by February 6, 2024, and the defendants to file their written statements by February 13, 2024. The court also mentioned that no further time will be granted for filing objections or replies. On January 17, the Supreme Court order was submitted in the high court, which stayed an earlier order of the high court on the survey of the mosque complex. The high court had allowed a court-monitored survey of the Shahi Idgah complex, but the Supreme Court stayed the implementation of this order.
Allahabad High Court sets date for hearing plea challenging suit seeking removal of Shahi Idgah mosque in Mathura