Parineeti Chopra, known for her acting skills, proves her talent as a singer as she makes her debut in live singing. The Bollywood actress recently performed at a music festival in Mumbai and expressed her feelings of being extremely blessed and happy for achieving this milestone in her life. Parineeti considers her journey in live singing as a dream come true after years of participating in music competitions during her childhood. She believes that having a parallel career in singing and acting sets her apart from other Bollywood actresses. Parineeti gives credit to her partner, Raghav Chadha, for motivating and supporting her. She shares that Chadha, being a politician dealing with people’s lives, understands her passion for music. Parineeti also expresses her gratitude towards the management agency that has helped her achieve this moment. The agency represents renowned singers like Arijit Singh and Neha Kakkar. Parineeti ends by emphasizing the importance of dreams and how they can lead to great achievements.
Parineeti Chopra on Top of the World After Debut Live Singing Show