Terrorists shot dead a worker from Punjab while another sustained injuries in the Habba Kadal area of the city on Wednesday, officials said here. Amritpal Singh, a resident of Amritsar, was shot by the terrorists from point blank range with AK rifle at Shalla Kadal locality in Habba Kadal around 7 pm. The injured worker has been admitted to a nearby hospital and is undergoing treatment. Security forces have cordoned off the area and launched a search operation to apprehend the terrorists involved in the attack. The authorities are investigating the motive behind the attack and have condemned the incident. The deceased worker, Amritpal Singh, was described as hardworking and dedicated by his family and friends. He had been working in Srinagar for several years and was well-respected in the community. The incident has caused shock and grief among the local Sikh community and has raised concerns about the safety and security of minority communities in the region. The authorities have assured that adequate measures will be taken to prevent such incidents in the future and to ensure the safety of all residents.