Garlic Prices Shoot Up to ₹500 for a Kilo in Bengaluru

Garlic Prices Shoot Up to ₹500 for a Kilo in Bengaluru

A delay in the sowing-harvesting cycle has led to a significant increase in the price of garlic in markets in Bengaluru. Prior to the hike, the selling price per kg of garlic was around ₹100-₹250 in wholesale markets and ₹200-₹350 in retail markets. However, due to the delay in the sowing of crops, garlic has not come to harvest yet, resulting in a supply crunch in the market. Garlic supply to the market mainly comes from Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, and Rajasthan. Currently, there is no production in Gujarat and Rajasthan, leading to a price surge. This surge in prices is considered one of the highest ever for garlic in history.

Retail vendors have noticed a decrease in garlic buyers due to the hiked prices, resulting in reduced profit for vegetable vendors. However, it is expected that the rates will gradually come down as the supply is expected to increase in the upcoming weeks. New crops are expected to hit the market by the first week of March, which should help normalize prices.

The rising prices of various commodities have left consumers frustrated. Divya Rao, a customer in Mudalapalya market, expressed her frustration, stating that price hikes have become a regular occurrence, with tomato, onion, and now garlic being affected. The government is urged to take action to address these fluctuations.

The price rise of garlic has also impacted hotels. To manage the high prices temporarily, some hotels are using processed garlic paste, which is available in the market. However, they are hopeful that prices will reduce soon. Garlic is considered an essential ingredient in the kitchen, making the price rise a matter of concern for both households and businesses.

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