Bobbie Jean Carter, sister of Nick and Aaron Carter, and a former makeup artist, passed away at the age of 41 due to a drug overdose in Tampa Bay, Florida. The Hillsborough Country Medical Examiner’s report stated that her cause of death was insobriety resulting from the combined effects of methamphetamine and fentanyl. Her death was ruled as an accident. The investigation found no evidence of foul play and no narcotics or paraphernalia were discovered at the scene. Bobbie Jean had a history of schizophrenia and had previously faced legal charges related to controlled substances. Nick Carter recently shared a childhood picture of him and his sister on Instagram, breaking his silence on her death. This loss comes after the death of Aaron Carter, their younger brother, in 2020. Nick has also experienced the loss of his father and another sister in previous years. Bobbie Jean’s death highlights the devastating impact of drug addiction and serves as a reminder of the importance of seeking help and support.
Sister of Aaron Carter Dies from Drug Overdose