Business of horse-trading very disturbing: SC

Business of horse-trading very disturbing: SC

The Supreme Court bench recently expressed its concerns about the practice of horse-trading in the political arena. It stated that the business of horse-trading is very disturbing and undermines the democratic principles of fair and transparent governance. Horse-trading refers to the unethical practice of buying and selling of elected representatives to form or collapse governments. This practice often leads to manipulation of power and disregard for the wishes of the electorate. The court emphasized the need for strong legislation and efficient enforcement mechanisms to curb this malpractice and ensure the integrity of the political system. The judgment comes at a time when instances of horse-trading have been reported in various Indian states, highlighting the urgent need for preventive measures to safeguard the democratic process. The court’s remarks are expected to further ignite the debate on political integrity and the need for reforms in election processes. It remains to be seen how the government and political parties respond to this strong message from the apex court and take concrete action to prevent horse-trading. The public also hopes that the court’s observations will lead to meaningful changes in the political landscape and restore trust in the democratic institutions.

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