Deepak Makwana reduces exposure in railway multibaggers

Deepak Makwana reduces exposure in railway multibaggers

Deepak Makwana, a renowned stock market expert and portfolio manager at ACMiil, has gained tremendous success in the past by investing in railway stocks. However, in a recent interview, he shared that he is reducing his exposure in these multibagger railway stocks. Makwana believes that the railway sector has had a good run and it is time to book profits and diversify into other sectors. He also emphasized the importance of regularly reviewing and rebalancing investment portfolios.

Makwana’s decision to reduce exposure in railway stocks may come as a surprise to many investors, considering his previous success in this sector. However, it is essential to remember that the stock market is constantly evolving, and investors need to adapt their strategies accordingly.

While Makwana did not disclose the specific railway stocks he is reducing exposure in, he mentioned that he is now exploring opportunities in other sectors such as technology, healthcare, and finance. Makwana believes that these sectors have strong growth potential and can offer better returns in the long term.

Investors looking to replicate Makwana’s strategy should carefully evaluate their portfolios and consider rebalancing if necessary. Diversification is a key principle of successful investing, as it reduces risk and maximizes potential returns.

In conclusion, Deepak Makwana’s decision to reduce exposure in railway multibaggers highlights the importance of regularly reviewing and adapting investment strategies. While railway stocks have provided significant gains in the past, Makwana believes it is time to book profits and explore opportunities in other sectors. Investors can learn from his approach and consider diversification to optimize their investment portfolios.

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TIS Staff


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