Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel unveiled two schemes, the Namo Lakshmi Yojana and Namo Saraswati Vigyan Sadhana Yojana, with a combined investment of Rs 1,500 crore. The Namo Lakshmi Yojana, included in the 2024-25 state Budget with an allocation of Rs 1250 crore, aims to support girls pursuing secondary and higher secondary education. It provides Rs 50,000 in financial aid to each girl completing her education from class 9 to 12, targeting around 10 lakh beneficiaries across government, aided, and private schools. The primary objectives of this initiative are to boost enrollment, curb dropout rates, and promote empowerment through education and nutrition. On the other hand, the Namo Saraswati Vigyan Sadhana Yojana aims to promote science education among class 11-12 students. Starting from the academic year 2024-25, the scheme supports students who scored over 50 percent in their Class 10 Board Exams, facilitating their admission into science streams across State Government, aided, and CBSE-recognized schools. With a budgetary provision of Rs 250 crore, the scheme offers Rs 25,000 assistance to each eligible student. These schemes are poised to benefit around 15 lakh students in Gujarat, providing financial assistance directly via Direct Beneficiary Transfer (DBT) annually. The launch event witnessed the distribution of benefits worth Rs 61 crore to over 60,000 students under various merit scholarships and excellence schools programmes.