The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has alleged that Alchemist Airways Pvt Ltd paid an amount of ₹10.29 crore to various aviation companies for flying Trinamool Congress leaders, including Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, during the campaigning for the 2014 Lok Sabha polls. The ED further claims that the funds were used by Alchemist Airways to facilitate the air travel of the political leaders. This revelation has come to light as part of an ongoing investigation by the ED into the spending and financial transactions related to the Trinamool Congress during the 2014 general elections. The allegations and attachments made by the ED have brought the issue of alleged election malpractices back into focus. It is worth noting that the use of private aircraft for election campaigns and the funding of political parties have been hotly debated topics in Indian politics. While many argue that the use of private aircraft gives an advantage to moneyed candidates and parties, others believe that such expenses are necessary to effectively reach out to the electorate in a vast country like India.
ED alleges Alchemist Airways paid ₹10.29 crore for flying Trinamool Congress leaders during 2014 LS poll campaigning