Defence Minister and Lucknow MP Rajnath Singh recently highlighted the government’s dedication to advancing skill development and creating employment opportunities for the youth. Speaking as the chief guest at a job fair organized by the National Skills Development Corporation and coordinated by BJP leader Neeraj Singh, Singh commended the success of government schemes such as Mudra, Startup, and Stand Up in transforming youth innovation into wealth creation. He stressed the importance of investments in infrastructure development, including highways, airports, and rail routes, which have created job opportunities for the youth. Singh urged the newly employed youth to work hard and fulfill their responsibilities towards their families and society. He emphasized the symbiotic relationship between employee and company success, encouraging continuous learning and acquisition of new skills. Deputy Chief Minister Brijesh Pathak lauded the government’s efforts in providing better residential facilities and transforming Lucknow into a world-class city. He highlighted the recent inauguration of the airport and international-level Gomtinagar railway station, along with the modernization of Charbagh railway station and the upcoming inauguration of a new ring road. Pathak also acknowledged Singh’s role in organizing employment fairs that have contributed to the development of Uttar Pradesh and the country. The CEO of NSDC, Vedmani Tiwari, mentioned the initiative’s alignment with the Prime Minister’s vision for a developed India and highlighted the demand for Indian youth in international markets. Tiwari also discussed the Vishwakarma Yojana, where individuals equipped with tool kits worth Rs 15,000 joined the skill development program and gained access to loans up to Rs 3 lakh. The employment fair witnessed thousands of youth gathering for valuable employment opportunities, reflecting the government’s commitment to youth empowerment and development.