NCP chief Sharad Pawar criticized the Central government on Monday over the Enforcement Directorate’s action against his grandnephew, Rohit Pawar. He stated that the government is misusing agencies like the Enforcement Directorate to create fear among the opposition and referred to the ED as the ‘supporting party’ of BJP. Interacting with the media in Pune, Pawar cited figures of ED actions between 2005 and 2023.
He mentioned that out of 5806 cases registered by the ED during this tenure, only 25 cases have been disposed of. Pawar stated, “During this period between 2005 and 2023, two governments were in power, including the UPA, of which we were also a part. During the UPA’s regime, the ED investigated 26 leaders, of which 5 were from Congress and 3 were from BJP. It shows that during the UPA regime, the ED’s actions were not politically motivated. However, after 2014, not a single BJP leader has been questioned,” Pawar said.
He added that all these figures raise doubts about whether the ED’s actions under the BJP were politically motivated. When asked if Rohit would be sent to jail by the ED, Pawar said, “The possibility cannot be denied. In the past, former state home minister Anil Deshmukh was sent to jail, even though he had not done anything wrong.”