Pollution Levels Decreasing in Delhi, Says Rai

Pollution Levels Decreasing in Delhi, Says Rai

The pollution levels in Delhi have been a major cause for concern for both the residents and the government. However, recent reports suggest that there is a ray of hope. The environment minister of Delhi, Gopal Rai, announced that the pollution levels in the city have been consistently decreasing.

Rai referred to a Swiss report that highlighted the improvement in Delhi’s air quality. According to the report, Delhi’s air pollution levels have decreased by 15% in recent years. This is significant progress considering the severe pollution crisis the city has faced.

Various measures have been implemented to combat pollution in Delhi. The government has taken steps like banning construction activities, implementing the odd-even rule for private vehicles, and setting up air purifiers in schools and other public places. These efforts seem to be paying off as the pollution levels are showing signs of improvement.

However, despite the positive trend, there is still a long way to go. Delhi remains one of the most polluted cities in the world, and the pollution levels are still a cause for concern. The government needs to continue its efforts and implement more stringent measures to ensure a significant and sustainable reduction in pollution.

In conclusion, the announcement by Delhi’s environment minister about the decreasing pollution levels in the city is a positive development. It shows that the efforts and measures taken by the government are having a positive impact. However, more needs to be done to address the severe pollution crisis in Delhi and ensure a healthier environment for its residents.

To know more about this development, read the full article on The Economic Times.

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