Birth Pangs: No Clean Tables in 41% Labour Rooms in Rajasthan

Birth Pangs: No Clean Tables in 41% Labour Rooms in Rajasthan

Shocking conditions have been exposed in labour rooms and wards across government hospitals in Rajasthan, according to a report released by the state’s health department. The report highlights major deficiencies in the facilities provided for childbirth and postpartum care. A staggering 41% of the labour rooms inspected had dirty delivery tables, while 40% did not have access to clean water and soap. Furthermore, approximately 44% of the rooms lacked curtains, compromising the privacy and comfort of the patients. These unhygienic and inadequate conditions are alarming and raise serious concerns about the quality of healthcare available in government medical facilities in the state.

The state government conducted about 9,000 physical inspections of various healthcare facilities over the past three months, including hospitals attached to medical colleges, district hospitals, sub-division hospitals, satellite hospitals, community health centres, primary health centres, and ayushman arogya mandirs. However, the findings of the report indicate that numerous labour rooms and wards are in dire need of improvement.

The report also shed light on the deplorable state of the wards. In 37% of the wards inspected, bedsheets were not changed daily, compromising the cleanliness and hygiene of the patient environment. Additionally, 48% of the wards did not have curtains, further compromising patient privacy. Shockingly, 11% of the wards were still using torn mattresses, further jeopardizing patient comfort.

Furthermore, the report exposed the lack of accessibility for specially-abled or aged patients. Approximately 23% of the hospitals inspected were found to lack ramps for easy movement, hindering patients’ access to necessary medical care.

These distressing conditions persist despite the Union health ministry’s ‘Laqshya’ initiative, launched in 2017, which aims to improve the quality of labour rooms in government hospitals. Under ‘Laqshya’, teams from the Centre conducted inspections of labour rooms in state hospitals. The fact that even Jaipur’s Mahila Chikitsalaya, a major government hospital, failed to meet the guidelines speaks volumes about the dismal conditions prevailing in the healthcare system.

The report’s findings highlight the urgent need for the state government to take action and implement the Union government’s Laqshya guidelines to improve the quality of care in labour rooms and maternity wards. These guidelines are crucial for ensuring safe and hygienic conditions for childbirth. The government must prioritize the allocation of resources and implement necessary measures to address the deficiencies identified in the report.

The shocking conditions exposed by this report serve as a wakeup call for the authorities and the public. Maternal and infant health should be a top priority, and every effort must be made to ensure that childbirth happens in a safe and clean environment. Improving the conditions in labour rooms and wards is not only a matter of creating a comfortable and conducive environment for patients but also a question of the overall quality of healthcare that the government provides. It is crucial for the stakeholders to work together and address these issues promptly for the well-being and safety of mothers and their newborns.

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