Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Visit Bhutan on March 21-22

Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Visit Bhutan on March 21-22

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to visit Bhutan from March 21-22, as part of his efforts to strengthen the bilateral ties between India and Bhutan. The visit will reinforce India’s Neighbourhood First Policy and highlight the close friendship between the two countries. Upon his arrival in Thimphu, the capital of Bhutan, PM Modi will be greeted with a warm welcome. The city has been decorated with posters and banners of PM Modi, showcasing the strong bond between Bhutan and India. During his visit, PM Modi is scheduled to meet His Majesty Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, the King of Bhutan, and hold talks with his Bhutanese counterpart, Tshering Tobgay. The discussions will focus on various areas of cooperation, including trade, security, and cultural exchange. Both countries are expected to explore opportunities to enhance economic collaboration and people-to-people contacts. The visit holds significant importance in strengthening the long-standing friendship and strategic partnership between India and Bhutan. It also demonstrates India’s commitment to its Neighbourhood First Policy, which prioritizes relations with neighboring countries. The visit will further deepen the mutual trust and understanding between the two nations, paving the way for greater cooperation in the future. The people of Bhutan are eagerly awaiting the arrival of PM Modi, as evident from the adornment of the airport and roads with posters and banners featuring the Indian Prime Minister and the King of Bhutan. The visit is expected to result in positive outcomes and contribute towards the overall growth and development of both countries.

TIS Staff


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