Lalu Prasad’s daughters, Misa Bharti and Rajlaxmi Yadav, are reportedly contemplating entering the political fray in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections in Bihar. The two women are expected to follow in their father’s footsteps and join his Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) party. Lalu Prasad, a prominent politician in Bihar and the former Chief Minister, has been barred from running for office due to his conviction in a corruption case. However, he still holds great influence and remains a key figure in the state’s political landscape. If Misa Bharti and Rajlaxmi Yadav decide to contest the parliamentary elections, it could bring a new dimension to Bihar’s politics and potentially create a powerful sibling-duo in the state’s political theater. The RJD, under Lalu Prasad’s leadership, has a significant presence in Bihar and has been a key player in the state’s politics. Misa Bharti, a member of the Rajya Sabha, has shown interest in running for a Lok Sabha seat in the past, but this would mark her first formal entry into electoral politics. Rajlaxmi Yadav, on the other hand, has been involved in social work and has actively participated in her father’s political campaigns. With their father’s guidance and extensive political network, Misa Bharti and Rajlaxmi Yadav could pose a formidable challenge to their opponents if they decide to run for office. The Lok Sabha elections in Bihar are expected to be highly competitive, with multiple parties vying for seats. Lalu Prasad’s daughters’ entry into the electoral arena could add an intriguing twist to the already intense political landscape in the state. It remains to be seen how their potential candidacies will unfold and whether they can secure the support of voters in Bihar.
Lalu Prasad’s Daughters Likely to Contest LS Polls